Saturday, May 1, 2010

Burning Heart to Embracing Jesus

And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures (Luke 24:32)?

I believe this question is actually a confirmation in the form of a question between Cleopas and companion on the way to Emmaus. They are confirming that their heart did burn when Jesus taught them the scriptures about Himself (Luke 24:27).

Jesus taught them because He realized they were "...slow of heart to believe all that the prophets [had] spoken:" and that Christ had to suffer before entering into His glory (Luke 24:25,26). An interesting point to notice is that Cleopas and friend did not know that it was Jesus teaching them along their walk (Luke 24:16).

Are we still slow to believe the Word of God today? I believe we are. We still have Jesus' presence with us through the Holy Spirit. When you are reading or hearing the Word of God, at times, a warmness occurs in your heart, a burning, which is God trying to tell you something. The only way to approach God's Word is with belief and when you experience the burning in your heart, that is the time to open up even further and receive the Word God has for you.

Referring back to Cleopas and friend, they also received blessed bread from Jesus (Luke 24:30). It was through this blessing that they realized it was Jesus with them (Luke 24:31). You can share the same experience as Cleopas and friend that Jesus is with you, when you open your heart to the bread He has to offer. Embrace the Word. Embrace the bread. Embrace Jesus. Embrace the greatest blessing of all--Eternal life in heaven.

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